13 Virtues Program
Coaching Program Package
Service Description
This coaching program is a very powerful personal development journey which is inspired by the teachings of one of the greatest men in history, former US President Benjamin Franklin. This method will enhance your ability to learn any desirable trait & skill by the power of repetition, focus and mental strength, thus bringing results to your life you never imagined possible! This program includes: -Extended session for the design & creation of your own tailored 13 pillars -Weekly action plan & tracking system -Weekly sessions to check on progress (50 min each) - Reflection & learning session Program duration: 10 weeks Extra services: - Templates for action plan & tracking - Reading material based on chosen pillars - Ongoing consulting parallel support (i.e. provide extra information/tips per email, Whatsapp, etc. - 2 Extra consulting sessions (i.e. help reviewing supporting material, action plans, project plans, documents, etc.) Book an Intro session for free to learn more!
Contact Details
Zopfstrasse 5, Remetschwil, Switzerland